Donor Stories

Learn how others have made an impact through their acts of giving to our Church in Central Florida.
Legacy gift is easy with Transferable on Death (TOD)When Paul and his wife Gaetana moved to Mt. Dora from Pompano Beach, they quickly found land to build a new house across...
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Young Couple Make Bequest of InsuranceTy McCormack and his fiancée, Kylan Maguire, were making plans for their wedding and future together, and near the top of their...
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A bequest to further God's workLois Mills, a parishioner of St. James Cathedral, chose to make a planned gift to several ministries. She shared with us what moved her to make this gift:
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College Student uses a beneficiary designation to make a planned giftDominic Rego recalls his best memory with the Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) community, which fosters faith among...
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Peace of Mind Gift AnnuityLike many faithful Catholics who were born during the Great Depression, Bob and Joan Cowgill understand the value of a dollar -- and the value of the Church.